Mine Waste Analysis
Mine tailings are materials left over from the processing process that need to be carefully monitored for their environmental impact. Our mine tailings analyses help mining companies achieve their sustainability and environmental compliance goals by assessing the content and environmental risks of tailings.
- Heavy Metal Analysis: We determine the level of heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic in mine waste, which are harmful to the environment and human health. Heavy metal analysis is important in identifying risks in waste management processes.
- Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Tests: This test, which assesses the environmental risks of mine tailings when exposed to acidic solvents, is an important step in minimizing the environmental impact of mining operations. Acid mine drainage tests provide vital data to ensure the safe storage of tailings.
- pH and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Analysis: To assess the environmental compatibility of mine tailings, we analyze the pH level and total dissolved solids (TDS) of the water. These analyses are important in assessing the potential impact of tailings on water resources and the environment.
Why Should You Have a Mineral Analysis?
Mineral ores and mine tailings analyses help companies increase resource efficiency, ensure environmental compliance and reduce costs. Our laboratory offers reliable results to businesses in the mining sector with its many years of experience in mineral analysis, high-precision instruments and accredited methods in accordance with international standards. From determining the quality of ores to environmental sustainability goals, our laboratory offers comprehensive solutions to increase the efficiency of mining operations and ensure environmental responsibility. If you are looking for a reliable solution partner in mining analysis, you can optimize your business processes and develop an environmentally sensitive approach by taking advantage of the detailed analysis services offered by our laboratory.